Viktor Andreevich Donskoi was born in Voronezh on February 2, 1945. In 1960, he began taking classes in a drawing studio where his teacher, Evgeniya Romanovskaya, was the first to predict he would become an artist. In 1968, after four years in the navy, Donskoi entered Penza Art College from which he graduated with excellence in 1972 with a recommendation to the Moscow Art Institute, Surikov. There he studied in the studio of academician E. Kibrik. Following his graduation in 1979, he taught in several art colleges in the Voromezh area. Since 1980, Donskoi has had access to several academic dachas, including the once provided by the Repin. He credits this experience in nature for his development as a painter and graphic artist. Donskoi has been a member of the Artists’ Union of Russia since 1985. He has recently been working on paintings honoring the 300 year anniversary of the Russian fleet as well as a series of paintings devoted to the joys of rural life. He has exhibited every year since 1975 in Moscow and abroad. His works are in collections in the United States, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, England, Germany, Scotland, South Korea, and Japan. Donskoi lives and works in Voronezh.


Domnenko, Grigori Stepanovich


Dosvidov, A. P.